1. Turn the ignition switch off.
2. Connect the WDS or equivalent to the DLC-2.
3. Select the following PIDs, then inspect the lateral acceleration speed and the yaw rate.
– LAT ACC: (lateral acceleration speed)
– YAW_RATE: (yaw rate)
(1) Lateral acceleration speed inspection
1) Verify the LAT ACC change when the combined sensor is tilted to the left and right.

• If there is any malfunction, replace the combined sensor.
When the sensor is tilted to the right:
LAT ACC changes negatively.
When the sensor is tilted to the left:
LAT ACC changes positively.
(2) Yaw rate inspection
1) Verify the YAW_RATE change when the combined sensor is rotated to the left and right.

• If there is any malfunction, replace the combined sensor.
When the sensor is rotated to the right:
YAW_RATE changes negatively.
When the sensor is rotated to the left:
YAW_RATE changes positively.